6th Chianti Topics – International Focus Workshop

Auditorium, Complesso di Sant’Apollonia

Firenze, Italy

26-29 February 2024

The Chianti Topics International Focus Workshop is an extraordinary opportunity for experts in a selected field to meet young researchers in the unique surroundings of the medieval Complesso di Sant’Apollonia in Florence. The 6th edition of the Chianti Topics is organised by Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti, Università di Firenze, and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF). It aims to put together experts in small telescope instrumentation and the user community to have an up-to-date view of results with this kind of instrument in the several fields of astrophysics and discuss its role in the giants’ era.

This ambitious multi-disciplinary approach is an incredible and unique opportunity to share expertise and create synergies. All contributions dealing with projects, observations, management, and instrumentation are welcome. We invite students and post-docs to join researchers and experts to attend and discuss their recent results in this frontier research, highlighting future projects and research.



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